July 28, 2012

Sex reveal (cross posted)

I'm of the perspective that neutral baby things are ideal for first pregnancies, after all if your family expands further it is great for your items to be versatile. I also just enjoy neutral, bright colors. Pastels are pretty but in my own personal (and clumsy) experience pretty shows more dirt, spills, spit ups, and stains.

Still, I am a little too excited to keep the sex of the fetus a secret until December. And Chris and I are a little too impatient to wait for a surprise (though we admire deeply the parents who do wait! When else in your life can you experience such an incredible moment of shared surprise?!). So I am thrilled to announce what we're having (which confirms the suspicions and instincts of many of our family and friends, all along)!

My mom presented me with this bracelet that she purchased in the hospital gift shop when we were told what we're having during my anatomy ultrasound. I laughed through happy tears and asked if she had a blue one too, just in case. She said she didn't think she'd need it. Although she had a 50% chance of being right, I am still fairly amazed by her insistence throughout my pregnancy.

I still gravitate toward neutral items and (as a person mindful about gender fluidity) will be resistant to gender-normative ideas regarding character and personality traits while the fetus remains in utero and through her earliest months and years of life. But it is hard to deny the epic adorable that is girl baby clothing!

Thank you for all the kind words and messages of support along the way. It's been really heartening to hear from other women who have already begun their families, who plan to begin a family, and/or who are enthusiastic about others' choices to begin families. It means a lot to me. xo

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